On the Issues
Michael is a conservative republican. He believes in the constitution, rule of law, limited government, fiscal and ethical accountability, and equal rights for every person.
Mike is a firm supporter of both the United States and Texas constitutions. He strongly supports free speech, rights of gun owners, rights to fair and speedy trials, and equal and fair treatment under the law for everyone.
Mike will continue to ensure he and his office are held accountable for any and all actions. He will also continue to work hard to ensure violators of law are held accountable for their actions.
Providing the best service to the community requires an organization to operate at maximum efficiency. Under Mike's leadership, the court will continue to provide efficient and effective service through the use of technology and common sense business practices.
Tenant/Landlord Rights
Landlord and tenant disputes make up the bulk of cases filed in the Justice Court. Mike is well-versed in Chapters 24, 92 and 96 of the Texas Property Code, as well as the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Part V, Rules of Practice in Justice Courts.
Mike has worked closely with Truancy courts for over a decade. Mike believes school attendance is important and parents must provide a conducive environment for their children to attend school. Mike will continue to work with school districts in the county to ensure parents and children understand the value of a good education and he will enforce state truancy laws equally and effectively.
Criminal Cases & Warrants
Mike has been a law enforcement officer for over 22 years and he understands the criminal cases that are filed with the Justice of the Peace court and will continue to ensure the law is applied equally and fairly.
Business and Consumer rights
Mike understands and supports the rights of both business and consumers. Justice Courts are designed to provide a place where individuals and business can address grievances. Mike will continue to ensure the judgments rendered in his court follow the law and ensure the rights of both plaintiffs and defendants are protected.